Proverbs 22:6

“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”

At River Valley our children’s ministry (birth to 11 yrs) is called Kingdom Kids, which means we are equipping children to advance the Kingdom of God, and to be a light in this world!

To provide the best experience for each child, we have divided the kids into different learning environments based on their age:


Infants: Birth – 18 months

Toddlers: Ages 18 months to 2 years old

Preschoolers: Ages 3-5 years old

In a warm and loving environment, we teach our youngest members about God’s love and building friendships. We use curriculum that offers music, creative activities and interactive video presentations to teach kids about God’s word!


6 – 11 years old

Through fun games, energetic worship and interactive video presentations, we teach this age group core foundations of the Bible. We strive to help each child develop a deeper faith and learn how to make better choices, while building strong and lasting relationships!

Check-In & Security:

Check in starts promptly each Sunday at 9:30am to 9:55am.  To check in your child, you will need to provide some basic information to create an account for your family in our database. You and your child will be given matching ID tags. Your child will wear the name tag portion, and the parent dropping off/picking up will need to have (on their person) the matching ID barcode tag. At pick up, show your ID barcode tag to a Kingdom Kids staff member. Then your child will be released to you.

Sharyn Hobbs is the is the Director of Family Ministries. She oversees Kingdom Kids and other support ministries here at RVCC. For more information you can contact the church office. 

Yes! We are always willing to let people who want to be apart of children ministry volunteer.

However, for the safety of the children we do perform background checks on all of our children workers. Also the person must be a member of the church and approved by the  “Director Of Family Ministries”. 

If you have any questions feel free to call the church office. (812) 265-5683

Midweek Clubs

During the midweek service we have different clubs and curriculum  that we use to minister to our children.

Below are some of the clubs that we provide.


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“Creative Arts Camp” is a program that has been used in the summer months here at RVCC, as a way to teach our children how to glorify God using many talents, arts, and activities. We have stopped this course for now but we may resume next year. Stay tuned for more information.

Kingdom Builders Club

August 11th 2021

-Nursery 0-2 years old

Come hang out with us in the nursery as we plant seeds, pray over, sing songs, read books, and play with new developmental learning toys, puzzles, and so much more!

-Tiny  Club 3-5 years old

Join Mrs. Mischell as she takes our tiny “Kingdom Builders” on a fantastic adventure as “Friends of God”! Your tiny loves will be in the Scripture learning, connecting, building, putting down roots in the Word of God, and having F-U-N doing it! The Scripture basis will be James 2:23 – “And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, ‘”Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend.”‘ How sweet to be called God’s friend! Your tiny person will love learning how they are God’s friend and how He loves them so!

Welcome to Kingdom Builders: Boys Club! The place where strong men of God are training future strong men of God! Through this Kingdom building course, your little guys will grow a passion for the Word, as well as the life of Jesus and the apostles! Your energetic and creative boys will enjoy all the activities planned out for all things BOY! Join Sean O., Eric W., and Grant B. as they shoot off into the Word of God!

-Girls Club 6-12 years old

One of Miss Sarah’s favorite Scriptures is Psalm 139:13-14, “For You formed my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well.” This is the foundation on which we would like our young girls to stand! Through the Psalms, Proverbs & Parables series, your princesses will learn to focus on the One who created them… JESUS! Not on the voices of the world telling them who they should be. As we gather together in a “girls only; no boys allowed” club, this worship series will teach them wisdom for life! Through dance, flags, group activities, Scripture journaling, and more, your young beauties will learn to worship with adoration to the King of kings in freedom, knowing “very well” that they are His perfect masterpiece!